Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dave Z. cutting George H. out of Yellow

I know there have been alot of comments about yesterday's stage into Briancon and Hincapie's loss of the yellow jersey by a scant 5 seconds, and, who's fault was it. Hincapie partly blamed Astana, while much of the venting has fell on Garmin. Let's get personal..... I'm with Lance on this one, Astana was setting a false tempo to prevent massive time gains like 15 to 20 minutes, which would certainly make Hincapie nearly as dangerous as Pereiro a couple years ago. When the gap went out to 8 minutes AG2R took over, and when they flailed is was indeed Garmin drove to the finish. And to be exact, it was Dave Zabriskie, front and center, driving it like a mad man. Now you can call that protecting Wiggins or whatever, NOT. Dave Z. was not on the wing, in the wind protecting Wiggins, he was at the top of the arrow head, down low, giving it all he had. Now that's personal. And it cost Hincapie yellow.

Another side of the story: Hincapie certainly knows how to cry and complain and look around for help from the others in the group. Whether it's L'enfer du Nord or Le Grand Boucle, Hincapie can be seen looking around and gesticulating, and for all his complaining, he could have saved those 5 seconds himself.

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